ACP Website

Custom WordPress design & build, logo & branding, photography

For Advanced Construction Projects (ACP), a distinguished builder on the Gold Coast, we transformed their online presence from a basic GoDaddy website to a bespoke WordPress site that reflects their industry-leading stature. The original website did not do justice to ACP’s reputation for superior workmanship and lacked a significant SEO presence, necessitating a comprehensive overhaul.

We embarked on a full redesign, providing design, build, and professional photography services to capture the essence of ACP’s projects and expertise. The new WordPress site offers a visually appealing interface that aligns with the high standards of their construction projects. With a clean, modern layout, it showcases their portfolio effectively, making it easy for potential clients to navigate and explore ACP’s vast range of services.

Additionally, the new website was built with a strong focus on SEO, enhancing ACP's visibility on Google. Since the launch, we have observed noticeable improvements in their search engine rankings. We continue to provide ongoing website management and SEO services to ensure that ACP not only maintains but also enhances its online presence, reflecting their commitment to excellence in the construction industry. This professional platform serves as a digital reflection of ACP's exemplary workmanship in a manner that truly matches their status in the industry.

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Creative Direction & Design
Ongoing Website Management & SEO


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